Thank you for visiting “Estimating Aboveground
Biomass In Oil Palm Plantations Using Destructive
Sampling And Remote Sensing Data.”
Quantitative estimates of oil palm biomass at local to
regional scales are highly needed to address the issue of
global climate change book. Nevertheless, book assessing
the biomass or carbon storage by oil palm are limited
compared to forests. Thus, this book attempts to examine
the aboveground biomass of oil palm and in this book
essential information on the role of oil palm in carbon cycle
is provided.
Carbon is one of the most vital elements on the earth.
The massive amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emission
from oil palm plantations has drawn the attention of the
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), particularly
their effects on climate change. Hope it is useful!
Alfitrah –
full insight
Alfitrah –
full insight about Oil Palm and Remote Sensing Data
Alfitrah –
Full insight about Remote Sensing Data Combine Field Data